Sunday, November 11, 2007

Posted by Kevin:

So it's really really dark out here. There's hardly any light. And I was just outside looking at the stars. They're really really pretty when youcan actually see them. And I just put some clean clothes on..and they still smell like our detergent! I was like oh man. There's only 23 moreweeks left..if not more. Crap. That's all I can think about really.


My One and Only Thought said...

Awww. 23 weeks seems like a lot. and it's going REALLY slow right now, but I think in no time at all we'll be saying "Wow. That went by fast!"

When you get a chance to look at the stars, look for a fuzzy ball below cassieopia - she's the constellation that is shaped like a W. If you see the fuzzy ball, you're seeing a comet that basically exploded!! It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing to see!


Love you babe.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet it is really dark out on that ocean! No lights anywhere...I've seen that before Kevin! Not on the ocean, but in Yellowstone, far, far, from anything. It is the kind of darkness that seems to smother you.
Be safe on that ship Marine, and don't count the weeks yet to go. It slows down time if you do!

Krystal said...

I wish I could see the stars like you are seeing them. I bet it is beautiful! Just like Trina said, I think it's pretty true that time always seems to drag while you are in the moment, but when you look back it always seems to go by so fast. Pretty weird. Be safe!