Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Living in San Diego

Well, it looks like Kevin will be going to Recruiter's School at the Marine Corps Recuit Depot in San Diego. We're pretty excited about living in San Diego.

Since we will only be there for a few months while he goes to school (July-October), we decided to spend a little more and get an apartment right in San Diego. He will have only a 7 minute drive to MCRD. So we'll make up the cost of extra rent in gas money alone - considering the price of gas is probably around $4/gallon in San Diego!

We've already picked out our apartment. It's newly built and here are some pictures:

Our apartment is right near the pool, which should be pretty fun! Kevin and I LOVE to swim. We're like a couple of fish. Last summer, we went swimming every day after work. We swam so much I ended up getting swimmer's ear. Ouch!

Our apartment also has an air conditioner!! YAY! In our old apartment we didnt have one and it got terribly hot during the summer. On some days, it was 85 degrees in our apartment, and SUPER humid. It also comes with other fancy things like - granite countertops, 9-foot ceilings, a fancy sliding door on the shower (i'm really excited for this, our old apartment only had a curtain and it was a pain to avoid splashing water all over the bathroom).

A little over 1 month until Kevin comes home!

I CAN'T WAAAAAIT! *squirm*


Krystal said...

Wow dude... the apartments look awesome! What an experience to live downtown! I'm jealous. I didn't realize that you got swimmer's ear last summer. Sucky. How exciting that Kevin comes back in a little over a month. Yay!!!

Marie said...

that is so exciting that your hubby is coming home. Im sure i dont have to tell you this because you already know but having them come home is the most amazing experince ever!! The whole waiting thing sucks but some how when you see them for the first time you semi forget about all that drama.

Marie said...

Its beautiful here, once you get past the rain. We love it! There is lots of stuff to do and things to see. Wow recruiter duty there are so many places to choose from. Derek is reenlisting this next year and we arent sure where we are pcsing to yet. We would love to go over seas....germany, japan, korea, englad...i could go on and on. Anyway good luck with picking a place and how exciting i read your hubbys post and he is coming home soon!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!